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Endometrial Scratching

A supplemental minimally invasive technique
that can help increase your chance of pregnancy
through regeneration of the womb lining

Introduction to Endometrial Scratch

This is a simple and quick procedure that we can offer if you have previously suffered from multiple failed IVF cycles owing to implantation failures. This treatment serves as a supplemental technique that can help increase your chance of pregnancy and is offered if you are already undergoing treatment with us here at IVF London.

Why to Undergo Endometrial Scratch?

Performing a ‘scratch’ to the endometrial lining can change the way that it regenerates, as it seems to provoke a reaction within the inner linking of the womb, releasing hormones and chemicals which help the lining to repair itself. In essence, this makes it far more receptive to an embryo, leading to a better chance of pregnancy and live birth.

How Does the Endometrial Scratch Procedure Work?

Similar in sensation to that of a having a smear test, the procedure involves taking a biopsy of the lining of your uterus (the ‘endometrium’) using a thin catheter that is passed through your cervix. It is usually performed in the week or so prior to the start of an IVF or frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle.

What Are the Side-Effects or Risk of This Process?

Some women who find the experience of a pap smear uncomfortable may wish to take an over-the-counter pain medication before this procedure as a preparatory measure as it may cause some, albeit a minimal level of discomfort.  If you have any concerns, contact the clinic for advice.

Disclaimer to HFEA

The above procedure is considered to be a treatment add-on by the HFEA. To read more on treatment add on please click here.

Why Choose Us?

Here are some facts about your fertility journey with us that we’d like to share with you:

Every evaluation and treatment plan is uniquely tailored to meet your individual needs

You will have access to leading professionals, with over 35 years combined expertise, providing you with confidence and reassurance in your fertility diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Our multidisciplinary team includes specialists in fertility, urology, nutrition, counselling, genetics, endocrinology, haematology and weight management to provide a comprehensive range of support as and when you need it

We will work with you closely to understand your individual circumstances, identify any problems and agree with you, the best course of action to help make your dream a reality

We will always be honest and open about your chances of success with treatment.

Your comfort and care is always our top priority

Our focus remains entirely on you as an individual, your unique needs and your wellbeing

All investigations and treatments are provided within our new state-of-the-art clinic based in Elstree which offers a spacious environment with comfortable surroundings, to enhance your care and experience. We offer investigations and scans at our satellite locations too.

Our friendly consultant-led team is here to support you at every step throughout your fertility journey

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