0208 0758881

Same Sex Couples

Family planning guidance, treatment and
support for lesbian couples and single women

Introduction to Same-Sex Couple Consultation

At the IVF London, we offer female couples and single women seeking to start a family with carefully tailored treatment options such as sperm donation, IUI and IVF to suit your individual needs.

You will meet with our fertility specialist at your initial consultation to discuss any previous medical history and the best pathway for you to optimise your likelihood of success.

If you are not aware of any pre-existing fertility problems, your chances of success with assisted conception are very good. However like all women, it is possible that you might be diagnosed with a fertility problem, which may result in you needing a number of treatments to help you produce a viable egg, fertilise that egg, and/or implant it in your womb.


You will be offered support from our counselling team prior to any treatment to help you understand the emotional and legal issues in order that you are completely comfortable and confident with your decision to proceed.

Using Donor Sperm

Our laboratory team will help you find a suitable donor from our collaborating European and UK sperm donor banks. The matching of donors can be done with your specific requirements. All donors are rigorously screened to make sure they do not have any serious genetic diseases minimising the risk to any child you conceive.

Insemination (IUI)

If suitable we would always start with the mildest approach to treatment such as Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) using donor sperm. A series of investigations may be requested by our consultant to assess your suitability for this treatment.  The procedure involves placing donor sperm closer to the egg at the time of ovulation in the hope it is fertilised.

In Vitro
Fertilisation (IVF)

In some cases IVF (using donor sperm) may be more appropriate and offers a higher chance of pregnancy compared to IUI. This involves taking medication to stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs, retrieving your eggs and fertilising them in our laboratory with semen from your donor. Any resulting embryos are then transferred into your uterus to continue development as a normal pregnancy or frozen for future use.


If you are in a lesbian relationship and wish one partner to donate her eggs and the other partner to carry the pregnancy, egg sharing is an option that provides both partners with the intimate experience of a shared maternal role when starting a family.

sperm injection (ICSI)

Similar to IVF using donor sperm, ICSI enables us to select and inject one single sperm of the best quality directly into an egg to aide fertilization before transfer to your uterus.

Fertility Wellness
Check (MOT)

This is a fertility check-up for individuals and couples, helping them understand their individual fertility which can be beneficial if you’re looking to start a family but don’t know how fertile you are or whether there are any problems which can be diagnosed and treated. This check-up includes a blood test for the Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) combined with a pelvic scan.


Egg freezing is provided at IVF London as a means of helping you to preserve your fertility at an optimum time for use in future treatment. You may wish to freeze your eggs for medical reasons or for social reasons (a desire to delay childbearing due to career reasons). If freezing for social reasons it is advisable to freeze your eggs whilst you are younger in age as the quality of the eggs deteriorates with advanced age notably after 38 years.

Why Choose Us?

Here are some facts about your fertility journey with us that we’d like to share with you:

Every evaluation and treatment plan is uniquely tailored to meet your individual needs

You will have access to leading professionals, with over 35 years combined expertise, providing you with confidence and reassurance in your fertility diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Our multidisciplinary team includes specialists in fertility, urology, nutrition, counselling, genetics, endocrinology, haematology and weight management to provide a comprehensive range of support as and when you need it

We will work with you closely to understand your individual circumstances, identify any problems and agree with you, the best course of action to help make your dream a reality

We will always be honest and open about your chances of success with treatment.

Your comfort and care is always our top priority

Our focus remains entirely on you as an individual, your unique needs and your wellbeing

All investigations and treatments are provided within our new state-of-the-art clinic based in Elstree which offers a spacious environment with comfortable surroundings, to enhance your care and experience. We offer investigations and scans at our satellite locations too.

Our friendly consultant-led team is here to support you at every step throughout your fertility journey

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