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Muhammad Fatum

MD PhD, Medical Director of IVF London

Dr Muhammad Fatum, MD PhD, finished his speciality training in obstetrics and gynaecology and then his subspecialty training in Reproductive Medicine and then worked as a Consultant and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Hospital in Jerusalem.

He then moved to Oxford Fertility Unit and Women’s Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University in 2008 and finished a 3 -year programme of fellowship in reproductive medicine and surgery, as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Reproductive Medicine and surgery.
He also worked as Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Clinical Lecturer at Oxford Fertility Unit, Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, John Radcliffe Hospital and at the Institute of Reproductive Sciences, Oxford University.

He worked as a specialist in Reproductive Medicine, Medical Team Manager and Deputy Medical Director at Oxford Fertility Unit at the Institute of Reproductive Sciences, Oxford University.
In addition, he has worked as a visiting research fellow and he holds the position of Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Oxford University.

He also worked as internal examiner and from 2019/2020 as chair of the Examiners Board of the Oxford University MSc Programme in Clinical Embryology as well as internal and external examiner of PhD students at Oxford University and other UK universities.
During his work, he worked intensively and led a multidisciplinary team and set up Ovarian Tissue Banking in Oxford which covers local, regional and national services of ovarian tissue preservation.

Muhammad has a PhD in Optimisation of fertility cryopreservation in females – from in vitro fertilization to in vitro maturation to in vitro culturing and has published an impressive number of articles in peer reviewed journals in the field of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences.

He also works as ad hoc reviewer in some top journals of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery.
He presented a great amount of lectures within the unit, department, the hospital and the university.

During his work, Muhammad has shown exceptional clinical knowledge and skills. He is committed to delivering a safe and state of the art and evidence-based care to his patients. Muhammad is an excellent academic as seen by his rich academic involvement in training other members of staff and fellows, the long list of publications and professional presentations and lectures and also the rich and divers teaching activities at the University of Oxford.

Dr Muhammad Fatum has a special interest and experience in diverse areas in reproductive medicine and surgery, including Preimplantation Genetic Testing, Fertility Preservation, In Vitro Maturation, translational and advanced technologies in reproductive sciences and minimally invasive gynaecologic operations.

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