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Intralipids/Immune Therapy in IVF FAQ

Intralipids/Immune Therapy in IVF FAQ 

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a complex medical procedure involving enabling the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, retrieving them, and fertilising them with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilised eggs are then cultured in a laboratory before being placed back in the uterus and developing into a pregnancy. While IVF is a very successful procedure, it has risks. One of the most noteworthy risks is that the woman’s immune system may attack the embryo, leading to pregnancy loss. This is because the immune system sees the embryo as a foreign object. 

To prevent this from happening, some doctors are using a therapy called intralipids/immune therapy. 

Intralipids/immune therapy is a treatment that is used to suppress the immune system and restrict it from rejecting the embryo. 

The success rate of intralipids/immune therapy in IVF in the UK is not well-known. However, evidence suggests that it can improve the chances of a successful pregnancy. 


This FAQ will answer some of the most common questions about intralipids/immune therapy in IVF in the UK: 

Q: What is intralipids/immune therapy?  

A: Intralipids/immune therapy is a treatment that is used to suppress the immune system and prevent it from attacking the embryo. It is generally used in women who have had recurrent miscarriages or who have other conditions that make them more likely to have an immune reaction to the embryo. 

Q: How does intralipids/immune therapy work? 

A: Intralipids/immune therapy provides the body with essential fatty acids that help regulate the immune system. It is thought that these fatty acids help to prevent the immune system from attacking the embryo as a foreign body.  

Q: What is the success rate of intralipids/immune therapy in IVF inthe UK? 

A: The success rate of intralipids/immune therapy in IVF in the UK is not well-known. However, a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility in 2017 found that women who received intralipids/immune therapy had a higher live birth rate than those who did not receive the treatment (40% vs. 25%).  

Q: What are the risks of intralipids/immune therapy?  

A: The risks of intralipids/immune therapy are generally mild and include nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. More severe side effects, such as allergic reactions, are rare.  

Q: Who is a good candidate for intralipids/immune therapy in IVF? 

A: Intralipids/immune therapy may be a good option for women who have had recurrent miscarriages or have other conditions that make them more likely to react to the embryo. You must talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is proper. 

Q: Where can I get intralipids/immune therapy for IVF in the UK? 

A: Intralipids/immune therapy is available at some fertility clinics in the UK. You can find a list of clinics that offer this treatment on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) website. IVF London, a leading fertility clinic known for its comprehensive range of fertility treatments and expert care, is one of the clinics where you can explore this therapy. They offer Intralipids/immune therapy as part of their services, providing individuals and couples with advanced and specialized options to enhance their fertility journey. For the most current information and details about the availability of this treatment at IVF London, it is advisable to visit their official website or contact them directly. 

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