0208 0758881

Anusha Dias

Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare and Psychosexual Medicine


Anusha Dias is a Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare and Psychosexual Medicine. She is the lead for Psychosexual Medicine at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.

She is an empathetic doctor with extensive expertise in all aspects of Psychosexual medicine with a particular interest in pain with sex and she provides comprehensive integrated care for women and men with sexual difficulties resulting in infertility including vaginismus and non-consummation. She has worked in the Infertility clinic at Northwick Park Hospital for more than 15 years.

She is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education and runs nationally recognised courses for the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare and is a Regional Training Advisor. She has published extensively and lectures widely. She is on the advisory board of Sexplain which is a not-for-profit organisation that provides educational workshops on sexual health for young people.

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